Getting started with modelling interventions targeting social contacts


Prepare population and initial conditions

Prepare population and contact data.

Note on social contacts data

epidemics expects social contacts matrices Mij to represent contacts to i from j (Wallinga, Teunis, and Kretzschmar 2006), such that qMij/ni is the probability of infection, where q is a scaling factor dependent on infection transmissibility, and ni is the population proportion of group i.

Social contacts matrices provided by the socialmixr package follow the opposite convention, where Mij represents contacts from group i to group j.

Thus social contact matrices from socialmixr need to be transposed (using t()) before they are used with epidemics.

# load contact and population data from socialmixr::polymod
polymod <- socialmixr::polymod
contact_data <- socialmixr::contact_matrix(
  countries = "United Kingdom",
  age.limits = c(0, 20, 40),
  symmetric = TRUE
#> Removing participants that have contacts without age information. To change this behaviour, set the '' option

# prepare contact matrix
contact_matrix <- t(contact_data$matrix)

# prepare the demography vector
demography_vector <- contact_data$demography$population
names(demography_vector) <- rownames(contact_matrix)

Prepare initial conditions for each age group.

# initial conditions
initial_i <- 1e-6
initial_conditions <- c(
  S = 1 - initial_i, E = 0, I = initial_i, R = 0, V = 0

# build for all age groups
initial_conditions <- rbind(

# assign rownames for clarity
rownames(initial_conditions) <- rownames(contact_matrix)

Prepare a population as a population class object.

uk_population <- population(
  name = "UK",
  contact_matrix = contact_matrix,
  demography_vector = demography_vector,
  initial_conditions = initial_conditions

Prepare an intervention

Prepare an intervention to simulate school closures.

# prepare an intervention with a differential effect on age groups
close_schools <- intervention(
  name = "School closure",
  type = "contacts",
  time_begin = 200,
  time_end = 300,
  reduction = matrix(c(0.5, 0.001, 0.001))

# examine the intervention object
#> <contacts_intervention> object
#>  Intervention name:
#> "School closure"
#>  Begins at: 
#> [1] 200
#>  Ends at: 
#> [1] 300
#>  Reduction: 
#>              Interv. 1
#> Demo. grp. 1     0.500
#> Demo. grp. 2     0.001
#> Demo. grp. 3     0.001

Run epidemic model

# run an epidemic model using `epidemic`
output <- model_default(
  population = uk_population,
  intervention = list(contacts = close_schools),
  time_end = 600, increment = 1.0

Prepare data and visualise infections

Plot epidemic over time, showing only the number of individuals in the exposed and infected compartments.

# plot figure of epidemic curve
filter(output, compartment %in% c("exposed", "infectious")) %>%
      x = time,
      y = value,
      col = demography_group,
      linetype = compartment
  ) +
  geom_line() +
    geom = "rect",
    xmin = close_schools$time_begin,
    xmax = close_schools$time_end,
    ymin = 0, ymax = 500e3,
    fill = alpha("red", alpha = 0.2),
    lty = "dashed"
  ) +
    geom = "text",
    x = mean(c(close_schools$time_begin, close_schools$time_end)),
    y = 400e3,
    angle = 90,
    label = "School closure"
  ) +
    labels = scales::comma
  ) +
    palette = "Dark2",
    name = "Age group"
  ) +
    y = c(0, 500e3)
  ) +
    expand = FALSE
  ) +
  theme_bw() +
    legend.position = "top"
  ) +
    x = "Simulation time (days)",
    linetype = "Compartment",
    y = "Individuals"


Wallinga, Jacco, Peter Teunis, and Mirjam Kretzschmar. 2006. “Using Data on Social Contacts to Estimate Age-Specific Transmission Parameters for Respiratory-Spread Infectious Agents.” American Journal of Epidemiology 164 (10): 936–44.