When informing the public health response we want to know how many individuals have been infected up to a certain point in time, which relates to the level of immunity for a given pathogen in a population. Based on this information, it is possible to estimate the speed at which susceptible individuals have been infected over time in that population. We call this parameter the Force-of-Infection (FoI). To estimate this parameter serofoi uses a suit of catalytic models.
serofoi is a package designed to be used for any infectious disease for which we could measure population immunity using IgG antibodies, such as: arboviruses (dengue, Zika, chikungunya), Chagas, alphaviruses, among many others. However, not for all diseases serofoi may be applicable with its current features. Please check the model assumptions below for each case.
A serosurvey is an epidemiological study that involves the collection and analysis of blood samples from a representative population to determine the prevalence of antibodies against a specific pathogen. These antibodies are typically produced by the immune system in response to an infection, and their presence in the blood can serve as an indicator of previous exposure to the pathogen. Serosurveys are valuable tools for public health researchers and policymakers, as they provide insights into the spread of infections within communities, the proportion of individuals with immunity, and the effectiveness of vaccination programs. Serosurveys can help guide targeted interventions, inform disease control strategies,and evaluate the success of public health measures.
This package is designed to be used for serosurveys that follow these inclusion criteria:
Current version of serofoi includes the following assumptions on the underlying biological process:
To assess how well the mathematical representation of the different FoI models describes the seroprevalence data, we implement a fitting process that relies on a Bayesian framework. The priors and upper priors for each model indicate the assumed trajectory of the FoI (either constant or time-varying). serofoi provides a set of Bayesian comparison methods for the user to choose between various possible FoI models (trajectories) that best fit the seroprevalence data. For details see An Introduction To Force-of-Infection Models.
Is common to assume that the FoI is constant in time. However this is not always the case; serofoi addresses this by enabling the possibility to implement different time-varying models for the FoI and offering tools to compare them to the constant case in order to decide what model fits a serological survey the best.
The integrated dataset chagas2012
provides a minimal
example of the input of the package. The following code can be used to
implement and visualise a basic constant model:
# Loading and preparing data for modelling
# Model implementation
model_constant <- fit_seromodel(
serosurvey = chagas2012,
model_type = "constant"
# Visualisation
serosurvey = chagas2012,
bin_serosurvey = TRUE,
size_text = 6
Basic constant model visualisation
For details on the implementation of time-varying models and model comparison see FoI Models.