- cfr::covid_dataDaily Covid-19 case and death data for countries with 100,000 or more deaths
- cfr::ebola1976Ebola 1976 outbreak case data
- cleanepi::common_na_stringsCommon strings representing missing values
- ColOpenData::climate_tagsclimate_tags
- ColOpenData::datasets_listdatasets_list
- ColOpenData::geospatial_dictionariesgeospatial_dictionaries
- epichains::covid19_saCOVID-19 Data Repository for South Africa
- epiCo::divipola_tabledivipola_table
- epiCo::epi_dataepi_data
- epiCo::isco88_tableisco88_table
- epiparameter::epireview_core_colsA vector of 'character' strings with the core column names of the epidemiological parameter data exported by the 'epireview' R package.
- epiparameterDB::epiparameterDBA list of epidemiological parameters.
- finalsize::polymod_ukExample POLYMOD social contact data for the U.K.
- serofoi::chagas2012Chagas seroprevalence data in serofoi
- serofoi::chik2015Chikungunya seroprevalence data in serofoi
- serofoi::veev2012Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis Virus (VEEV) seroprevalence data in serofoi
- sivirep::dengue2020Datos Dengue 2020 del SIVIGILA en sivirep
- sivirep::divipoladataCódigos e información geografica del DIVIPOLA en sivirep
- tracetheme::slide_dimEpiverse-TRACE default plotting dimensions for slides
- tracetheme::vignette_dimEpiverse-TRACE default plotting dimensions for vignettes
- vaccineff::cohortdataCohort data on vaccineff